Mobile app for EV drivers with a developed web application allowing eMobility Service Providers for its seamless management. It comes with a fully customizable user interface, ready to adapt our clients’ branding.
Customizable CPO platform packed with all the industry-desired features from the get-go and simultaneously open for any customizations. Available via licensing model.
OCPP Gateway
Acting as a bridge between a charging station and its operator, the gateway opens up the remote-management possibilities through the OCPP connection.
OCPI Gateway
Through OCPI connection it acts as an anti-corruption layer, allowing CPOs and eMSPs for a seamless and secure linking within the ecosystem.
OICP Gateway
A gateway allowing to seamlessly connect to the Hubject platform via OICP protocol, that ensures required data quality levels.
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence tool that allows CPOs to pull and group data directly from their Charge Point Management Systems.
OCPP Proxy
Designed to dynamically manage and route OCPP Websocket traffic, it enhances traffic management.
Innovative approach to business models
While many providers operate on a strict purchase pattern (that is by offering their solutions only via SaaS), we’ve recognized shortcomings that go with this model and took aim at them by introducing a revolutionary approach. Our licensing model allows CPOs who manage considerable charging networks to reduce the operational costs and scale up even more furthering the savings.
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