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OCPI Gateway

Ensure secure information exchange within the OCPI ecosystem (hubs or p2p partners) with our Anti Corruption Layer allowing smooth connection with OCPI 2.2 or 2.1.1.

Secure connection for eMobility Service Providers and Charge Point Operators

Interoperability is the key to unlocking greater potential for eMobility. With OCPI, CPOs and EMPs are enabled with both direct peer-to-peer connection as well as hub access. To do this securely and safely, we develop a token security mechanism that meets stringent reliability requirements so our customers reap all the benefits of an integrated mobility ecosystem.

Onboarding in no time with our support

With a mission of delivering the best possible service, we provide onboarding for the product implementation. Having been successfully integrated with many customers already, the gateway is proved to be up-and-running without the need for lengthy testing procedures - saving time and money for its users.

What is the role of software within the EV charging ecosystem?

Our CEO, Paweł, shared some valuable insights about the place that software holds within the eMobility environment in one of our latest publications. The ebook breaks down the cases of what are the involved entities, why should they use separate digital tools, what are the challenges of creating EV charging software and many more.

Client-focused flexibility

Understanding the complex nature of eMobility, we pay great attention to how different organizations may seek distinct solutions and thus, we come forward with freedom of choice in many spheres of software purchasing or storing. With that in mind, we allow our clients to choose how they want the solution to be maintained. It can be installed on premise (in client’s architecture) or supported by Solidstudio via cloud computing.

OCPI Gateway

On premise



Discovery Document to Align Your Vision with the EV Charging Reality

We understand that navigating through EV charging digital solutions and open standards may be challenging at times. With that, after consultation with our eMobility Expert, our clients receive a Discovery Document - a piece that sets the initial scope for the potential project.

About Open Charge Point Interface

Designed for information exchange about charge points between CPOs and eMSPs to facilitate scalable and automated EV roaming.

OCPI provides session information including location information, sends remote commands (e.g. reservation commands), provides charge detail records (CDRs) for billing purposes, authorizes charging sessions by exchanging tokens.

ISO 270001 Certificate

Believing that our continued dynamic growth requires standardization and a systematic approach, including ensuring information security, we have decided to implement, maintain, and improve an Information Security Management System in accordance with the international standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017.

Frequently asked questions

Talk to us!
  • Did you find a fitting solution?
  • Do you want to learn more about the products or the business models?
  • Interested in seeing the pricing?
  • Looking for someone to navigate and educate you through the eMobility ecosystem?

We’ll gladly walk you through the products during a demo and answer any questions! Just drop us a message, we’ll get back to you!

31-131 Cracow, Karmelicka 27/101
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