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eMobility News - AFIR becomes effective

18 APRIL 2024 • 5 MIN READ

AFIR regulation

Starting on Saturday, April 13th, member states across the European Union began implementing the AFIR regulations, formally known as Regulation 2023/1804 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This regulation focuses on the development of infrastructure for alternative fuels, marking a significant step in the EU's environmental policy initiatives.

AFIR aims to establish a comprehensive network of public charging stations across the European Union, particularly along the TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Network) corridors. To ensure convenience and accessibility, high-power charging stations will be strategically placed at regular intervals, facilitating the use of both personal and commercial electric vehicles throughout the region. However, there’s more to AFIR than just a broad hardware installation, with the new regulation, there comes a plethora of other actions designed to ease the use of charging stations, including the payment policing.

AFIR vs our EV charging software

Following the AFIR regulations, operators of public charging stations must provide ad hoc payment options at new charging points. These options should include:

  • Payment card readers
  • Devices with contactless capabilities that can at least process payment cards
  • Internet-connected devices that facilitate secure payments, such as QR code systems, for public charging points with a power output of less than 50 kW.

Our CPO Platform supports ad-hoc payment through integrations with terminals (via cloud or device integration).

The regulation could be the most significant regulatory driver for the expansion of publicly accessible charging infrastructure in EU member states over the next few years. At Solidstudio we're closely monitoring any changes with regards to the newly-implemented international policies and we do our best to address them swiftly.

To see more details about what AFIR brings to the table, check our article uncovering some more details.