
eMobility News by Solidstudio

30 MARCH 2023 • 5 MIN READ

electric vehicles news  14-30 March

New announcement in AFIR – EU Parliament-Council agreement

Council and Parliament of UE announced the preliminary decision of rules for electric and hydrogen refueling infrastructure for EV. In a move to increase the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles across Europe, legislators have struck an agreement on EU roads, here are some of them:

  • By 2026, 400 kW power electric car chargers must be installed at least every 60 km along TEN-T (trans-European transport network).
  • While trucks and buses will need refill points spaced 120km apart, with some areas given exemptions based on traffic or location considerations.
  • For the supply of electricity to ships at the quayside in ports, requirements applicable from 2030.
  • To ensure electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles are accessible for all, a variety of payment and pricing options have been developed to avoid unnecessary investment in existing infrastructure.

Before it can become official, the agreement must pass a lengthy and rigorous approval process: with sign-off required from each of the 27 EU member states' Ambassadors, Transport and Tourism Committee of Parliament members, European Parliament – all before being finally ratified by The Council.

The Parliament rapporteur Ismail Ertug (S&D) commented: „We need to decarbonise the transport sector, which is still responsible for a huge amount of emissions . Alternative and sustainable fuels and the development of adequate infrastructure are essential in the transition to a climate-neutral Europe. The new rules will help roll out the infrastructure for alternative fuels without further delays and ensure that driving and charging a new generation car is as simple and convenient as a petrol one”.

Background: On 14 July 2021, the European Commission presented its monumental Fit for 55 package to enable the EU to drastically slash net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% before 2030 and achieve climate neutrality in 2050. Taking a further milestone towards this target on 2 June 2022, the Transport Council reached a general agreement on an integral part of this plan: The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). Details of the provisional agreement will soon be unveiled, providing an inside glimpse at a potential future resolution. Source, Source

emobility news

Huge non-lithium battery factory in Kentucky

EnerVenue, a Fremont California-based company, is leading the charge in revolutionizing energy storage with their cutting edge metal-hydrogen batteries. These revolutionary Energy Storage Vessels are expected to last over 30,000 cycles and will be produced at its new 73 acre site located east of Louisville in Shelby County Kentucky. EnerVenue has ambitious plans for the future, having announced a staggering $1 billion investment to increase their annual production from 1 gigawatt hour to more than 20 over successive phases. Source

emobility news

US & Japan trade deal

On Tuesday, the United States and Japan made history with a trade deal on electric vehicle battery minerals that could revolutionize their supply chains. The agreement grants Japanese automakers unprecedented access to America's new $7,500 EV tax credit program in a move towards creating an automotive future powered by renewable energy sources. The Biden administration is pushing forward with negotiations to create a similar agreement with the European Union. Source

emobility news

Apple steps into driverless technology

Apple is revolutionizing the auto industry by taking a huge leap forward into self-driving car technology. With over 200 drivers recruited to test their new technology, Apple's ambitious car project is finally gaining traction. Autonomous vehicles have taken California by storm, and now a new report shows that the DMV in The Golden State has released public records on automated vehicle testing. MacReports went deep to uncover the data and present it for all to see! Source

emobility news

From now, electric vehicle charging stations are being included in Waze's route planner. Google-owned global navigation app with over 100 million users worldwide, is now set to revolutionize travel for EV owners. The company recently announced that it will be rolling out a feature allowing drivers of EVs to locate and map nearby charging stations along their route in the upcoming weeks. Source