
2022 in review. Solidstudio summary!


annual summary of 2022 in solidstudio

As yet another year passes, it’s hard not to look back at some of the things that happened in 2022. And there was a lot…

2022 marked unprecedented growth in terms of revenue, number of employees, number of clients and projects taken onboard. All that despite the visible recession. Below, we share some of the highlights:


While we watched with sadness how many people from different branches got laid off all over the world (especially in the couple of recent months), at Solidstudio we’ve kept our recruitment strong throughout the whole year and we’re entering the new year with ongoing open positions.

In 2022 we’ve welcomed 18 new, full-time employees including software developers, graphic and UX designers, recruiter and account manager. While we’re staying a remote-first company, there've been instances where we all got to meet up, i.e. the first ever Solid Summer - an event combining onsite work with an ‘afterparty’.

Clients and projects

Here’s another strong case in point in terms of our 2022 accomplishments. While we kept some of the projects from the prior years, we got to take onboard the record numbers of new clients. Nearly all of them are companies operating in the eMobility sector.

While it resulted in the 100% year on year growth in revenue, we’re the most thrilled about being exposed to the eMobility challenges of so many different varieties and from all parts of the world. From European industry-strongest firms to small startups from South Africa, we were equally happy to join all the ventures and learn about all the different needs and requirements. With that kind of experience, we’re now entering the New Year fully equipped with all that it takes to provide any eMobility-related software with ease and great ideas.


A huge part of our outside-of-the-usual work took the conferences. While we surely traveled a lot in the past, this time we got to engage in some of the conferences in a much more active way, rather than the usual participation. The greatest conference highlight was definitely the Intercharge Network Conference by Hubject where we had the wonderful chance to lead the Innovation Stage along with our respectful guests. Another great event for us was the New Mobility Congress, where the official premiere of our app for EV drivers took place. The New Mobility Congress was especially valued to us, as it was the first such a big eMobility event in Poland.

Solidstudio initiatives

In 2022 we also extended our usual content. First half of the year started strong with the 9-episode, extensive training on OICP (available for everyone). During summer we went on a fun and daring venture of filming our company video starring our employees.

In terms of our “more usual” articles, we have launched a series of entries - eMobility Fundamentals uncovering the industry’s nuances and requirements. The series were very popular either with the industry newbies and with some of the long-time eMobility players.

Closer to the end of the year, we shared case studies of some of the projects from 2022, including the project for Zimi - a startup from South Africa and another one for Zeemcoin - a company from Spain that connects the eMobility environment with blockchain technology.

Finally, we’d like to thank all our clients and partners for making all this possible. We’re really looking forward to the challenges of the new year, hoping to form even more valuable partnerships!