
Mobile application allowing for the home charging with a portable charger

FEBRUARY 2022 - Present




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React Native logo
AWS logo

About the project

Mobile app with a backend system allowing for the management & control of Green Cell’s devices with the functionality of creating the home charging ecosystem. The MVP version focuses on handling the mobile EV charger - Habu, which can be managed remotely from the smartphone. The app allows for the charging process management, device configuration and advanced stats system.

mobile app


Having Green Cell contacting us was a thrilling experience, given we don’t get to work with fellow Polish companies that often. What’s more, the character of the project made us jump straight into the work.

The collaboration started with the initial requirements & needs analysis. After that, we started technical talks on the architecture of the application, AWS infrastructure and integration with the device through MQTT. After our client accepted the proposal, our team started working on the backend side.

Simultaneously we’ve started the UX process. Initially kicked off by our designer who conducted an extensive research, it soon became a close collaboration between ours and Green Cell’s teams. Later, Green Cell took over the UX/UI and finalized the design process on the foundation of our initial work.

After UX/UI got approved, the mobile development team, consisting of 2 React Native Developers has started. Throughout the whole process, our team included:

1 Tech Lead

1 Project Manager

2 Backend Devs

1 DevOps

2 Mobile Devs

1 UX designer

Scope & highlights

7 team members

UX/UI design

Backend and frontend development

Our approach

The greatest challenge we got to face was the creation of a multi-product app for the entire ecosystem. As much as the first phase focused on the mobile charger - Habu, we had to keep in mind that in the near future an extension for more devices will take place.

With such a bold objective, we had to provide a solution that is easy to extend, without limiting our client in terms of the UX design and the architecture. Our work focused on ensuring that the product, even while in development, will be built in a scalable manner and flexible for future add-ons. This gives the client further business expansion opportunities, without them needing to reach for another solution.

Another thing was that the mobile charger we had to focus on was not a finished product. Habu was still in a strong R&D phase as we started. GC was developing the implementation of the  device’s firmware in parallel with our integration work on the backend and BLE side.


Mobile app with a backend system allowing for the management & control of Green Cell’s device.

1Mobile app with a backend system

1Digital product for the entire ecosystem

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