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Video Guide: CPO vs eMSP

16 MARCH 2023 • 4 MIN READ

Gabriela Stawiarska



Video Guide: CPO vs eMSP

Following the ‘eMobility Fundamentals’ series known from our blog, we’re now taking another step forward in delivering EV-related knowledge. This time, we come forward with a slightly more concise and compact format. In the upcoming series of short videos we’ll aim to unfold and clear up some of the most popular eMobility terms and issues that were previously covered by articles of PDFs.

Charge Point Operator (CPO) vs eMobility Service Provider (eMSP) - what’s the difference?

A great complementary piece to the video is our article CPO vs eMSP.

Video transcript

As the electric car industry accelerates, more and more technical terms appear, leaving many people unfamiliar with the market’s lingo. In this booming business, especially two names are now widely mentioned. These are the key players that have emerged in the line of eMobility business: Charge Point Operators (CPO) and eMobility Service Providers (eMSP) in question will be our focus for the next couple of minutes.

Charge Point Operators are the cornerstone of maintaining a reliable charging infrastructure. Through data-driven connectivity they plan, construct, install and maintain these electronic fueling points to make sure that EVs have a steady source for energy supply. Unlike eMobility Service Providers, Charge Point Operators focus on the technical aspects of hardware maintenance and installation, which places them at the forefront of those responsible for the growth of the charging network.

With most of the chargers available 24/7, CPO’s main point of interest lies in keeping them up and running while responding to potential malfunctions in real-time. In order to facilitate that, they use a special software often referred to as CPO platforms. With those, Charge Point Operators can remotely view their chargers' state (for example: which devices are currently occupied or which do not seem to be working properly).

With the technology moving forward at a skyrocketing pace, more and more functionalities are being added, leaving mighty capability in CPO’s hands. For example: the Dynamic Load Management mechanism allowing CPO’s to shift the energy load depending on demand.

eMSPs are in charge of making sure that EV drivers have access to easy-to-use charging services and apps, so they can locate a station with ease. Additionally, these companies manage the monetization side of the equation for operators by establishing tariffs and payment methods as well as providing real-time billing options. eMSPs are essentially responsible for the first-hand driver’s experience with the use of a charging station.

Being the customer-facing side of the EV charging maintenance, the apps offered by eMobility Service Providers serve quite a few fundamental purposes. They allow their users to locate, reserve, remotely start or stop the charging stations as well as settle the payment up for the charging session.

Set side by side in just a few words, Charge Point Operators are those who manage the hardware aspects of EV charging, whereas eMSP's are the vital link in ensuring that CPO’s products are ready for EV drivers to make use of.

eMSPs and CPOs are working hand in hand to make eMobility a reality. With the help of an app delivered by eMobility Service Providers, electric car drivers can find charging stations quickly, conveniently and with ease. Meanwhile, CPOs ensure that this infrastructure is properly connected for safe usage - allowing all drivers to access reliable charging options.