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How to hire a software development company in Poland?


Piotr Majcher



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Software development company in Poland.

There are around 1 million professional-grade software developers across Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), according to a report from Infoshare. And one-quarter of them are located in Poland, the largest and most diversified country in the region with seven cities serving as prominent technology hubs.

Hiring software development companies from Central Europe has become a viable alternative to outsourcing such highly technical tasks to developers from remote locations such as India or China. That’s why an increasing number of organisations looking for excellent skills, experience, and value now turn to Polish development teams.

Are you considering to hire a Polish software development company? Here are 4 things you need to take into account before making a decision.

1. Processes and methodologies

It’s easy to tell whether you’re dealing with a professional software development company or not if you ask them about their processes. If they give you a general and meaningless answer, consider that a red flag.

Agile methodologies are an industry standard, and the vast majority of Polish developers follows them. You can expect them to know methods like lean development, build-measure-learn, Minimal Viable Product (MVP) development, and many others.

Pay attention to their project and team management processes as well. Leading a development team is no easy task and companies that know what their doing have formalized workflows and take advantage of project management tools that allow easy collaboration and communication - both internal and with their clients.

2. Communication

Speaking of communication, the English language is common among professional Polish development companies. With English being the common language in the IT industry, it’s finding developers who have a poor command of it is next to impossible.

But communication is more than just language. It has to do with the local professional culture as well. And that’s where Polish companies match the expectations of Western clients as well. There’s no need to worry about unexpected holidays lasting several days and causing serious disruption to your project.

Still, make sure that the project manager and the lead developer have an excellent command of English before you sign a contract with the company. Remember to ask about communication tools and processes implemented by the company - they will attest to its professionalism and readiness to work with remote clients.

3. Culture of feedback

Another important factor you need to take into account is the presence of a company culture that encourages honest communication and open feedback.

Clarity and transparency are your friends when launching remote cooperation. One way to achieve them is with the use of dedicated project management tools. That’s why it’s a good idea to check whether the company has a culture of feedback and tools in place to support it.

4. Is the company client-centric?

Finally, when assessing a software development company, check whether it focuses on client needs first. You’ll be able tell that already during the first meeting. Are the company representatives interested not only in your project, but also you niche and business model? Are they asking questions to better understand how your project fits your organisational needs or your sector? Are they interested in the end users of the solution and their particular expectations? If they do all that, you can be sure that the company has a genuinely client-centric approach. That type of proactivity is highly beneficial in dealing with complex development projects.

Software development company in Poland.

Teaming up with a software development company from Poland is an excellent idea if you’re looking for technical expertise combined with project management and collaboration skills.

Central Europe shares many cultural similarities with Western countries, and the mix of cultural proximity and quality technical education makes Poland an excellent place to source talented development teams.

If you want to take advantage of Polish development talent, get in touch with us - our team of experts will help you get any project off the ground efficiently.