OutsourcingThought Leadership

Agile software development


Paweł Małkowiak



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Agile software development.

Agile organisations are able to respond to changes quickly and efficiently. That ability is critical to succeeding in an uncertain and constantly evolving environment.

Forbes reached out to more than 500 senior executives from around the world and asked them about agile. A smashing 92% of them said that organizational agility is critical to business success.

At Solidstudio, we believe that agile software development >> is a strong trend that has become an industry standard all over the world for some very good reasons.

Agile software development.

Agile Software Development is an umbrella term for a set of methods that reflect the values presented in the Agile Manifesto. But it’s basically about developing solutions through the collaboration between self-organizing and cross-functional teams.

Agile is an industry standard. Stack Overflow recently surveyed over 100 thousand developers, and 85.9% of them said they use agile in their work.

Why choose agile sthaoftware development?

Agile methodologies allow organisations to address customer needs efficiently and optimize the process of building software.

Here are some of the benefits agile brings to organisations:

  • High quality - in agile development, testing is an integral part of the development cycle. Teams are always checking whether the solution works well and make changes when needed. Using sprint retrospectives, teams can continuously improve their processes and work to create even better software.
  • Customer satisfaction - agile teams always have a product owner who ensures that development is transparent and flexible. It’s easy to engage customers in the development projects - you can show working functionalities to customers in every sprint review, and deliver products to market quicker and more often
  • Reduced risk - team that use agile minimize the risk of project failure significantly. Developing in short sprints ensures a short time between initial project investment and adjusting the approach to solve problems and eliminate risks. Agile also helps to generate revenue early on.
  • Faster ROI - agile development is iterative, which means that the features are delivered incrementally, offering organisations a chance to realise benefits early, even when the product is in the development process.
  • Focus on business value - in agile, it’s the team deliver features according to the priority set by the client’s business needs and goals.

Agile software development company.

Organisations looking to develop software solutions should consider agile methodologies as one of the factors in their choice of a technology partner.

Software development companies that use agile follow practices such as iterative and incremental development. They deliver small chunks of functional software that can be tested and checked against business requirements regularly. By providing regular feedback, organisations get a solution that matches their business needs perfectly.

Hire agile software development experts.

At Solidstudio, we have been using the agile methodology for many years with great success. We have implemented key best practices and industry standards to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients quickly and efficiently.

Our experience in agile software development.

Avoiding the pitfalls of the traditional waterfall method of developing software, our team of experts makes the most of agile to deliver solutions that help our clients solve problems and achieve their business goals in a lean and sustainable manner.

Are you looking for an experienced team of agile software developers for your project? Get in touch with us.